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1. Tube Trace BSX Self Regulating Heating Kit THERMON

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Bộ gia nhiệt tự điều chỉnh Tube Trace BSX THERMON

Tube Trace BSX Self Regulating Heating Kit THERMON

Liện hệ:0356 975 994 ( Jan Tran)



TubeTrace, with “cut-to-length” BSX self-regulating
heat tracing, is designed to provide freeze protection or
temperature maintenance from 40°F (5°C) to 150°F (65°C)
for tubing where no “steam out” of the tubing is possible.
BSX withstands temperature exposures of 185°F (85°C).
Self-regulating BSX heat tracing:
• Varies in response to the surrounding conditions along
the entire length of a circuit.
• Lower risk of overheating the tube or product.
• Installed cost is lower because “cut-to-length” BSX
makes end connections easy with minimal waste.
• BSX is approved for use in ordinary (non-classified)
areas and hazardous (classified) areas.



Tube Trace BSX Self Regulating Heating Kit THERMON
1 Process tube(s)
2 BSX self-regulating electrical heat tracing
3 Heat reflective tape
4 Non-hygroscopic glass fiber insulation
5 Polymer outer jacket (ATP or TPU available)

• Self-regulating
• “Cut-to-length”
• Hazardous area approvals



Available watt densities 3, 5, 8, 10 w/ft @ 50°F
10, 16, 26, 33 w/m @ 10°C
Supply voltages 110-120 or 208-277 Vac
Tube temperature range 40°F to 150°F (5°C to 65°C)
Max. continuous exposure temperature
Power-off 185°F (85°C)
T-rating T6 185°F (85°C)
Regulating Heating Kit THERMON

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