đầu dò củ hành, Pt100 with Standard (KNE) Terminal Head
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ĐẦU DÒ NHIỆT ĐỘ ĐẦU DÒ NHIỆT  ĐỘ Thermocouple K S Ceramic Name Thermocouple K,S type Model WTC-1800 Fix Customized Material Ceramic Size customized Connect Tube length Customized Temperature range 0-1800C   Công ty TNHH Wili Web: Wili.com.vn                   Mail: jan.tran@wili.com.vn Liện hệ:0356 975 994 ( Jan Tran)

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Smartdip Pyrometer Foundry Probe

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Smartdip Pyrometer Foundry Probe

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1.Đầu dò thâm nhập Pt100

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Pt100 Penetration Probe

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Penetration Probe with 90 Degree Bend

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